I have a secret to share

and it's a doozy....

Have you ever been so excited you’re jumping out of your skin with anticipation? That’s where I’m at right now and I’ll tell you why.

For the last 11 months, I’ve been building a process and program that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It’s something I’m excited to share with you, because you always provide great feedback for me, and I value your opinion.

But before I tell you what it is, let me tell you how I got here…

Over the last 11 months I’ve been diligently building upon my existing expertise. I’ve studied Dr. Peter Atia’s work on longevity and VO2max. I’ve gulped down the work of Dr. Martin Picard about metabolic health and chronic disease linked to our mind via psychobiology. I’ve read the research on how to repair mitochondria.

I dove into the COPE and CPT methodologies to cure addiction, and have begun dictating my own book on the matter, especially food addiction. I’ve created my own mental exercises that work so shockingly well that it surprised me!

As you can see, I’ve been quite a busy beaver over the last year coalescing all of this new information into a process and program that leaves no stone unturned in one’s pursuit of  holistic health and success. 

I call it  the 360 Success Roadmap because it truly addresses 360 degrees of a person’s life that can cause a breakdown in their success. 

Here’s what I mean….

Let’s say you’ve gained some weight, and you know you want to take it off. You’ve tried a ton of different programs with some success, but it didn’t quite stick. Every time you set an intention to get your eating in order, you’re able to do it for a while, but then you fall off. 

And round and round we go on the hamster wheel of the never ending diet cycle. Each time you slip, you feel a little more defeated than the last time.

Maybe you’ve attended seminars and bought every book on success you could, and you’re still in the same place you were. 

The reason for the breakdown is probably stress response. 

But it’s deeper than that, because even if you don’t have time to meal prep, you can still eat healthy fast food. But you don’t, because you justify it as “I’m dealing with a lot right now”. That’s how you know this is the mental game and not having not found “the right diet for me”. 

See, we can manage good eating habits when everything is going right in our world, but that only lasts until things go wrong, and then we use food to soothe ourselves. 

We further justify it with thoughts like “at least I’m not drinking or doing drugs!” and pat ourselves on the back that it was only a pizza or mac n cheese. 

Then this food impacts our gut and brain, upsetting our anxiety management, keeping us on the treadmill longer. We likely even lash out at our loved ones and then feel awful afterward, making the whole thing worse. 

Sound like anyone you know?

Imagine unplugging that treadmill for good? 

Healing the cause of the pain, that every stressful event that is triggering your use of food to cope with the feelings and bury them over and over. 

We can change behavior itself, which is a treatment, not a cure. If we only ever use a treatment to get a result, we have to continue to use the treatment to keep the result. 

How do I know for sure? Because I’ve been helping clients over this last year, doing exactly that, as I’ve tested my method over and over. 

It works. Period.

So what I’ve done with 360 Success Coaching is built a framework where I craft a completely individualized 12 month plan to address:

• fitness




•risk/tax mitigation. 

Tax minimization was my specialty in my financial business for 20 years. 

In 12 months I will craft a plan to:

• get below 15% body fat

•eliminate anxiety

•significantly improve relationships

•get more done in less time

•giving you the freedom to have more time to enjoy life.

In fact, I will guarantee that I will save a client my fee in tax reduction or I’ll refund the difference. That’s right, getting the freedom from mental anguish and freedom to enjoy life that you’re looking for, with $0 net cost. 

I know….sounds too good to be true, right?

Here’s the thing, I only have 3 spots left for this level of service. As you can see, it’s robust and takes a lot of work. So to keep the quality high, I have limited spots. Once the spots are filled, the doors are closed until I finish with them.

If you know me at all, you know I don’t make grandiose promises, and I routinely overdeliver. Even with this insane guarantee, I’ll still be able to overdeliver. ;)

Here’s how I’m going to be able to do that. I know the metrics needed to make that guarantee, so I will screen for that up front before I take on the client. 

Because I know how long it takes to get some of the tax programs in place, I have to get started on it by 11/15 so I can eliminate your taxes  for 2024.

I’m officially launching this on 10/15, but I’m sending this now so you can forward this email to someone you think I can help. 

As a perk for being on my list, you get the skinny ahead of time. 

They will have a chance to get a meeting with me before I launch. 

Just reply to this email  that you’d like a meeting to see if it makes sense that we do this. There’s no guarantee in the meeting, until I’m sure I can make it.

I’d really appreciate it if you would forward this to the first person that popped into your head as you read this, and the second one, too.

My mission is to reverse the trend of unhealthy and miserable lives around us, and it starts with you letting someone you know that needs help, that it’s available.


or to participate.