The hidden fear that's wrecking your body

and a FREE resource to defeat it

You know the speed metal bands of the 80’s?

The ones that seemed to only scream words over top of super fast electric guitar with max distortion? The ones that sounded like souls screaming "rescue me from hell!"?

Well, that’s what your body is doing when you’ve got excess body fat and health conditions red flags.

Your body is screaming so loud, you can't hear what it's saying!

And I can hear you now:

Alli, “what you talkin’ ‘bout?”

I'll tell you exactly what I'm talkin' 'bout: Something I've seen over and over again in the last 25 years. 

Something deep that you might struggle with yourself, but you only see the symptoms:

  • A big belly

  • High cholesterol

  • High blood pressure

  • Blood sugar on the rise

  • GI issues

  • Low natural testosterone 

Sound familiar?

Well, what doesn't sound familiar is why it's so common for men like you to experience these.

Here's the raw truth (would you expect anything less from me?):

The cause of these symptoms stems from the chronic anxiety you experience from suppressing your deepest fears.

I get that this might seem crazy, but stick with me.

Here's why this becomes a "head banger" for men like you who haven't been able to solve the problem, despite attempts to do so:

The longer you go without solving the problem, the more anxious you get.

Which in turn leads to depression.

Which in turn leads to hating yourself for feeling this way instead of being grateful for what is good in your life.

This negative cycle will continue to get worse until you identify the source of your deepest fear.

And there's one form of deep-seated fear that affects most men (including you, my friend).

Let me tell you a little story about a man I know.

He will suppress his feelings until he finally explodes in bursts of anger. He's like a ticking time bomb ready to go off at any time when the stress becomes too great to bear.

The reason?

He's suppressing his fear of becoming like his father.

You see, his father is a boomer from the WW2 generation—Stoic, who never talked about how he felt in small ways that matter. He never talked about his feelings, especially the positive ones. Heck, he doesn’t even know for sure his father had any good feelings!

He grew up to copy his dad’s behavior, and he withdraws from all communication until the negative ones come out, all of a sudden. This means the majority of the time his family only sees him as angry, not the loving man that he is. 

Then he feels awful he couldn't control his behavior. The people he cares the most about don't understand why “dad got so mad”.

He has no skill in how to express his emotions. He needs to get the positive feedback of love and respect that everyone needs to survive, and he needs to communicate to receive that. 

Because he lacks this skill, he doesn’t do it. He’s seen women do it, but he’s not comfortable with his own emotions so he avoids them altogether. This strains his relationships with the feminine, (and is a poor example for his sons), which makes him feel worse about himself. 

And on and on the record plays on repeat.

He saw his father do this, and now sees himself doing it, but is terrified at expressing how he feels deep down. To him it feels like a frog trying to fly, and he lacks the wings to do so. 

So he’s stuck.

He can't find a way out, so he turns to any way he can to cope: Alcohol, drugs, porn, or food

It doesn’t even matter that he’s been mastering the coping mechanisms. The mitochondria in his brain are secreting cortisol faster than his body can break it down. 

Remember that list of symptoms like the big belly I described earlier?

Well, his belly doesn’t shrink no matter how much he exercises and eats healthy. Because he can’t build himself wings with no directions, he sinks further into depression as the anxiety seems to have no end in sight. 

It’s not that he can’t do it.

He just doesn’t know how.

The worst part?

None of his friends can help because they’re all the same variety of frog, the hopping kind. 

Now, if any of this sounds like you, I want you to know there's a way out. You can build wings before your body shuts down under the internal stress.

You just can't do it by taking the same conventional, ineffective approaches that everyone else tells you to do and that you've probably already tried!

So, I built something that will help you start building your wings.

It’s called the Happiness Quotient.

It's a tool that you can use to self-assess where you’re currently at in the 5 major areas of life that affect your happiness the most on a day to day basis. It’s a  little like an IQ test, but more fun.

In just a few minutes, it will reveal where you need to focus your efforts in order to conquer these hidden fears and restore your body and mind to a state you can't possibly imagine while reading this email.

Then, we can schedule a quick chat to review your results.

It's time to escape the negative cycles, grow some wings, and conquer the fears that have been holding you back for too long!


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